Mastering Multi Tenant setup with rails - background jobs

Welcome back to the Rails multi-tenant architecture series! If you’re just joining in, be sure to check out Part 1, where you’ll find an introduction to multi-tenancy and a detailed walkthrough on setting up a multi-tenant Rails application.

Part 1

Quick Recap

In the previous blog post, the focus was on delving into the concept of multi-tenancy in software design, with a specific emphasis on managing separate databases for each tenant. After exploring three types of multi-tenant application architectures, a step-by-step guide was provided for setting up a multi-tenant Rails blog application. This included configuring databases for each tenant, implementing automatic connection switching in Rails 6/7, and using Nginx to run multiple databases simultaneously on different ports.


In this blog post, the focus is on background job processing within a multi-tenant Rails environment. Specifically, it addresses the challenges of running background jobs across multiple databases and proposes solutions to ensure seamless execution of jobs.


First we will setup Sidekiq, A popular background job processing library for Ruby. Here’s a quick guide on how to set it up:

  • Add sidekiq( use > 6 version) in Gemfile. Follow This Guide for setup.
  • Create a sidekiq job rails generate sidekiq:job multi_db_testing
# app/sidekiq/multi_db_testing_job.rb
class MultiDbTestingJob < ApplicationJob

  def perform
    p "Number of articles is #{Article.count}"
Running up application along with sidekiq

To start both the Rails server and Sidekiq, follow these steps:

  • Install foreman gem to start both rails server and sidekiq.
  • In Gemfile add foreman gem & run bundle install.
  • Create a Procfile to define the processes:
# procfile
web: bin/rails server --binding= --port=3000 --environment=development
sidekiq: bundle exec sidekiq
Triggering Background jobs
  • Create a route and controller action to trigger the Sidekiq job:
    # config/routes.rb
    resources :articles do
      collection do
        get :run_background_job

    # app/controllers/articles_controller.rb  def run_background_job

      redirect_to root_path

    # app/views/articles/index.html.erb
    <%= link_to "Run sidekiq job", run_background_job_articles_path %>
  • Start the server using foreman start
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000, and trigger the job.
  • You’ll notice that the job is executed, but it retrieves data only from the default database. why? Continue reading to find out the reason.

When a Sidekiq server initializes, it establishes a connection pool to manage database queries. During job execution, it retrieves a connection from this pool. If a specific database is not specified for the job, it defaults to the primary database (default - db 1).

Addressing the Database Connection Issue

To ensure that background jobs access the correct database, we need to pass the database name as a parameter to each job and modify the job accordingly:

# /app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
def run_background_job

  redirect_to root_path

# /app/sidekiq/multi_db_testing.rb
class MultiDbTestingJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(shard)
    ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: shard) do
      p "Number of articles in DB is #{Article.count}"

Now, you’ll get the desired result for both databases.

However, this approach has its drawbacks:

  • For each background job, we need to pass an additional parameter.
  • We need to write additional code to connect to the correct database for each background job.

To address these issues, we can create a Sidekiq adapter that will decide which database to connect to based on the database that initiated the background job. But before creating the adapter, we need a global attribute to remember which database we are connected to. To achieve this, Rails CurrentAttributes and Sidekiq Middleware will be utilized.

Current Attributes

From the definition of Current Attributes, Abstract super class that provides a thread-isolated attributes singleton, which resets automatically before and after each request. This allows you to keep all the per-request attributes easily available to the whole system.

# app/models/current.rb
class Current < ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes
  attribute :tenant

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
before_action :setup_tenant

def setup_tenant
  tenants = Rails.application.config_for(:settings)[:tenants]
  current_tenant = tenants.keys.find { |key| tenants[key][:hosts].include?(request.env['HTTP_HOST']) } || :app1_shard
  Current.tenant = current_tenant.to_sym

Note - Sidekiq also introduced the cattr feature, this will help in persisting the value of current attributes when sidekiq job runs. Read More

Sidekiq Middleware

It is a set of customizable modules that intercept and augment the behavior of Sidekiq job processing in Ruby on Rails applications. Sidekiq Middleware

  • Create file config/initializers/sidekiq.rb and paste following code.
    # config/initializers/sidekiq.rb
    require 'sidekiq'
    require 'sidekiq/web'
    require 'sidekiq/middleware/current_attributes'
    require_relative '../../app/middleware/sidekiq_adapter'


    Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
      config.server_middleware do |chain|
        chain.add Middleware::SidekiqAdapter
  • Create file app/middleware/sidekiq_adapter.rb and paste following code.
    module Middleware
      class SidekiqAdapter
        include Sidekiq::ServerMiddleware

        def call(job_instance, job_payload, queue)
          shard = current_shard(job_payload)
          ApplicationRecord.connected_to(shard: shard, role: :writing) do
        rescue StandardError => e
          p "Error occured #{e}"

        def current_shard(job_payload)
          job_payload.try(:[], 'cattr').try(:[], 'tenant')&.to_sym
  • With the middleware in place, we can simplify our Sidekiq job and remove the shard logic from it. The middleware will handle connecting to the correct shard.
  # multi_db_testing_job.rb
  class MultiDbTestingJob < ApplicationJob
    def perform
      p "Number of articles in DB is #{Article.count}"

  # /app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
  def run_background_job

    redirect_to root_path
  • Run the project again and subsqeuently run the sidekiq job to test it out.
  • You will notice that with the middleware in place, when executing a background job, it connects to the correct database.


In this blog post, we solved database issue with background job processing in a multi-tenant Rails application. We introduced a custom Sidekiq middleware adapter, that fixes the issue of running background jobs across multiple databases. This approach provides a robust & scalable framework for managing background job execution in complex multi-tenant environments.

Nikhil Bhatt photo Nikhil Bhatt
Nikhil Bhatt is a member of Technology at eLitmus. He enjoys creating small, practical software applications and is enthusiastic about competitive coding and chess